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Motorized Marvels Car Show

June 29, 2024 @ 9:00 am EDT

The Motorized Marvels Car Show will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2024, from 9 AM to 3 PM at Taylor Park, located at 12669 S 1st E, Idaho Falls, ID. There are no entrance fees for participants. Registration and parking begin at 9 AM, with all cars and trucks required to be checked in by 12 PM. Pre-registration is available by calling or texting Angie at 208-915-4203 or visiting the website . The event will feature 50 collectible dash plaques and 11 categories ranging from 1900-present, including Rat-Rods and Restoration in Progress. Motorized Marvels merchandise will be available for purchase both online and at the show. Breakfast will be served from 9 AM and lunch from 12 PM. No admission fee is required to attend. Attendees can enjoy beautiful cars and trucks, fun games for kids, and raffle prizes. Proceeds from food and raffle ticket sales will benefit 8-year-old Corbin Givens in his fight against Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer. Please note that vendor or motorcycle requests are not being accepted for this event.


June 29, 2024
9:00 am EDT
Call: 1-866-730-0395