August 6, 2023 – (New Palestine, IN. 46163 ) Charity Car Show. Whalen’s Heroes 1st Annual Anything On Wheels Car, Truck, Bike Show. This Show Is Held At New Palestine Lions Club at 5242 W US 52, New Palestine In. Registration 9am Till 12pm. Registration is $20.00. Spectators free. Awards At 2:30pm for Top 20; Best of Show; Fan Favorite. Food Trucks and vendors; 50/50; Silent Auction; Bake Sale; Music; Contact: .Whalen’s Heroes is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to those who give so much by funding service dogs for Veterans. Whalen’s Heroes’ goal is to improve the mental health and well-being of individuals serving our community. Whalen’s Heroes will assist with the fundraising, for the training, successful placement, and support of service animals to show gratitude and support to those individuals who endure countless sacrifices to protect our If anyone is interested in sponsoring or being a vendor for this event, please email us. Thank you for your support!Event details: