The vision for what was to become the Palm Springs Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America was formed in early 2012 by Frank Wenzel, a 20 year resident of Palm Springs, California and an avid automobile enthusiast.  Frank’s vision was to have an organized venue for the enjoyment and driving of vintage automotive vehicles for all residents of the greater Palm Springs/Coachella Valley area.

Frank shared his vision with fellow area “car guys” and discovered a foundation of similar interest and desire sufficient in numbers to organize into an identifiable group.  The Antique Automobile Club of America, of which Frank was a member, was just the parent organization that could give an identity to this formative group.

A proposal and name for the prospective new Region was submitted to the AACA Board of Directors by Frank in June, 2012.  Soon thereafter, the new Region was approved and fully sanctioned by the AACA.

The formation meeting for the newly created Region was held on September 29, 2012 in the showroom of the Jessup Auto Plaza, Cathedral City, CA, who generously provided tables and chairs, and appetizers.  Those in attendance listened intently as Frank described his vision for the Region, approved operating Bylaws, and established the annual Region dues of Fifteen Dollars.  The 45 minute meeting closed with the official launch of the new Region with 19 founding members.

And the rest, as they say, is history . . .