In this video, Joey and Jeff play a game that decides on which Corvette generation fits the situation accordingly.
Check the situations below, share and compare your answers!
✔️ Best Corvette for a job interview
✔️ Best Corvette for taking grandma to church on Sunday
✔️ Best Corvette to give to a freshly licensed 16 year old
✔️ Most iconic Corvette
✔️ Personal favorite Corvette
BONUS QUESTIONS!! These didn’t make it into the final cut, but feel free to post your picks for:
✔️ Best Corvette for a first date
✔️ Best Corvette for bumper to bumper traffic
✔️ Best Corvette for a road trip
✔️ Best Corvette for a rest stop nap
✔️ Best Corvette for a track day
✔️ Best looking Corvette
✔️ Most intimidating Corvette
✔️ Best entry level Corvette into the hobby
✔️ Best underdog Corvette
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