The National Capital Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (NCR) is a friendly group of folks who share a common fascination with all types of old cars: hard-wheeled buggies fitted with contraptions that scared the horses; brass cars with their oil lamps, magnetos, the miracle of nickel plating and chrome which saved many an hour of polishing, starter motors, hydraulic brakes, running boards, the somber sedans of the war years, the excesses of the fifties, the hot ’60s muscle cars, we love ’em all and have rescued many a rusted hulk from blocks in crumbling sheds.

Our tastes and collections are broad: our hearts warm to early brass cars which have to be wound up and cranked into bristling, whistling motion. we love luxurious behemoths large enough to have their own zip codes; we thrill to sexy roadsters, and get wistful over reliable old family sedans. The steam teakettles excite our wonder, and the Model A s and T s are there when nothing else will run. In short, have a love affair with the automobile in all its glorious incarnations, and our club embraces them all.

NCR started in 1950 with 25 men and women from DC, Maryland and Virginia who pitched in a total of $17 to start a club of all the folks they could find who appreciated the cars of yesteryear and wanted to keep them running. Fifty years later the club still serves those who want to preserve evidence of a long gone era, who love to take back roads in a vintage vehicle at a leisurely pace, or zoom along highways sparkling with fins and chrome, always enjoying the cameraderie of good friends who share their enthusiasm.