It is hard to believe, but on March 14, 1992 the nucleus of what would be called the Wheels In Motion Car Club was formed. 16 individuals met for a picnic at Bulow Ruins State Park.

First a little background information. Charlie Kidd called me after a Volusia Region AACA meeting and asked if I was interested in forming our AACA Chapter. He said he had called other Flagler County old car owners as well. I said, “yes, let’s do it.” Charlie said, “That’s great” (can’t you hear him say it?), “Let’s all meet at Bulow Ruins State park for a picnic and discuss It.” And so, 16 of us did. It was a very cold March 14th indeed! So cold, most of us didn’t eat our lunch! Thanks to the photos in our WIM Album {which I donated) those in attendance were: Eric & Barbara Evans, Ron Dehler, Chuck & Joan Kirchert, Al & Carol Wanser, Chuck & Betty Volz, John Kennedy, Ed &  Marsha Zeller, Paul Cutter, Frank Covart and myself. Everyone except the Kennedy’s and Zellers decided to form a local AACA Chapter – if Volusia Region was willing to sponsor us. There was a concern over whether custom or street rods would be allowed. At that moment, all of us said YES! It’s not what you drive but that you have an interest in automobiles and any other vehicles for that matter.

We also decided to informally meet at the Flagler Airport Restaurant on S.R.100 on the 1st Saturday each month. At one of those early meetings, Al Wanser came up with the name of the CarClub “Wheels In Motion” to encompass all types and styles of vehicles, including motorcycles and latter Chuck Kirchert designed our fist parade banner, (on a window shade!), which became our logo with the open roadster, a happy couple and their dog driving down the road, enjoying life. Charlie Kidd authored our motto,“Just for the fun of It”, so everyone would remember what our purpose was and not to get too serious about our deliberations.

I gave Diane Kidd, our historian, all of the original WIM Newsletters that I did and the founding President and Editor of “Wheels In Motion”that I banged out on a typewriter, copied, then stamped and addressed (by hand, by me). And as they say, the rest is history! It was an exciting time and still is – as it is for all of us, Thanks to all of YOU believing and participating in Wheels In Motion over the years making it the great AACA Region it is today!

Paul Fell Founding President