The ‘Friends Helping Friends in Need’ group is hosting a community-driven event titled Cruise Night 2024. This event aims to unite the local community in the fight against cancer, with proceeds going to aid local families impacted by the disease. The event will inaugurate on May 8, 2024, and is scheduled to occur every other Wednesday thereafter until September 25, 2024. Cruise Night 2024 will feature an array of classic cars and offer a variety of food options including hot dogs, cheeseburgers, sausage with onion and pepper, Kelly’s Beans, and cookies. It will be held at Elks Hall, beginning at 5:00 PM and concluding at dusk. Attendees should note that the event’s timeline is subject to change depending on weather conditions. For the most current information, it is advised to check the event’s Facebook page. Additionally, for the convenience of the participants, credit cards are accepted at the event.