Club Description
We are a Region in the AACA and in the Horseless Carriage Club. Our mission is to have fun driving our Brass era cars (pre-1915). Typically we have four tours a year…a one day spring garage tour (April), a spring three day tour (May or June), a fall three day tour (September) and a one day fall color tour (October). Our annual dinner meeting is in February.
Our members are from Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin, with a few outliers.
Our group survives on volunteerism. We take turns putting on tours and hosting events here in the Midwest. We all jump in to help each other with the events…a group of friends helping each other have fun.
We all look forward to meeting you on a tour and enjoying your company. Remember these cars were built to be driven, so let’s get out and drive them. Let’s share our passion for the old cars.
Let’s have fun. See you down the road…